Apoptotic Cell Isolation
應用Annexin V磁珠方式,萃取細胞中具有凋亡之細胞群,有效分離凋亡及未凋亡之細胞
BioVision's Apoptotic Cell Isolation Kit provides simple and efficient means for isolation of apoptotic cells from normal culture using annexin V magnetic beads (MagBeads). Binding of annexin V-biotin to apoptotic cells followed by binding of the biotin to streptavidin-MagBeads enables separation of apoptotic cells from normal cells. Apoptotic cells bound to the MagBeads adhere to the magnet-while normal cells stay in suspension. The bound apoptotic cells can then be released from the MagBeads using the Elution Buffer provided in the kit. The separated apoptotic cells and normal cells can be used in a variety of assays to study apoptotic mechanisms and pathways. The kit has also been successfully used to remove dead cells from normal culture.
30 isolation
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100 ml (5M)
【連絡人】台北業務專員 許虹宜0920-312382 taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net
台中業務專員 陳俊豪0935-229803 sales@biopioneer.com.tw
【原廠網址】 www.biovision.com